However, there are a few caveats involved for how you access it.

It’s obvious that Saipark is Temtem’s version of Pokemon’s Safari Zone. You pay a fee, enter a special area, and get a chance at nabbing some rare critters. There are some key differences, though.

For one, the price changes each week. You’ll also need Saicards instead of regular Tamer cards. After you use your initial batch of Saicards, you also have to pay for those. They get more expensive the more you use them.

On the plus side, you get a shot at two rare Temtem each week. These have a higher chance of being Luma Temtem (Shiny Temtem), of having special egg moves, or of having a guaranteed stat level. Two doesn’t seem like very much per week, admittedly, so we’re hoping this might change as development continues.

For now, the specifics for each week’s Saipark bonanza aren’t actually displayed in the game. The screenshots displaying the information are being posted on Temtem social channels until Crema gets them in the game itself.

In the meantime, read the full patch notes.

If you’re not ready for Temtem’s end-game yet, be sure to check out our growing collection of Temtem guides, including:

Tips on making money The best Temtem, ranked How to pick the right starter for you Playing with friends: getting started with co-op Temtem s Saipark is Open for Business    Temtem - 16Temtem s Saipark is Open for Business    Temtem - 75