Video game developer Techland has always made sure to interact with their fans and often send out messages to the community on things they’re working on. It’s no surprise then that Techland has posted a Halloween greeting today that definitely has its own unique flare.

What starts as a haunting scene of a zombie with a pumpkin on his head shambling towards a small house soon turns into you spitting your drink onto your keyboard as the home turns out to be the site of a zombie Halloween party, complete with a zombie DJ.

What originally looks to be a frightful video quickly becomes something else entirely. Techland has announced that during the week of Halloween, Dying Light will be 50% discounted on Steam across the globe. 

Community Manager Michal Napora also teases fans with a contest as a Halloween treat.

It looks like it’s time to jump back into the world of Dying Light this Halloween.

Techland does Halloween differently with Dying Light video   Dying Light - 18