Thankfully, its a much simpler process here than in many other mobile games. The toughest part of this whole procedure is simply deciding if you really need to spend the time starting over again or if your starting party is worth keeping.

How do I re-roll in Tales Of Erin?

This little gacha gem is super easy to re-roll, with no deleting hidden files or disassociating your Google Play account or anything like that involved.

When you first start the game, make sure to register a new eFun account instead of logging in with Facebook or Google Play so you can start over without any uninstalling or reinstalling of any kind.

You can register directly from the app and don’t even need to confirm anything with an email registration link. Just tap “Member” and then “Register” to make your new eFun account.

When you decide its time to re-roll (see the section below for full details) tap the “Information” button on the top-left corner of main screen where you can access the party, costume, and summon areas.

From there, tap “Switch Account” at the lower-right side of the options screen. Now you can simply repeat the process of creating a new eFun account and starting over. That’s it! There’s need to delete the game’s files and you can try for a better starting summon.


When should I re-roll in Tales Of Erin?

Always wait until after you get your first 10 summon to re-roll. You need 980 free star gems for the event summon, or 1980 gems for the standard character summoning when there isn’t an ongoing event. 

If you turn on auto battle (available from the fourth combat) and skip all the cut scenes, it should take you around 10 - 15 minutes to get there. That’s definitely a time investment, but not a huge one.

You should have enough star gems for the event summon by the time you reach stage 1-4-5. Between the stage bonuses and the daily achievements for upgrading equipment and completing quests, that’s usually the point where you get to 980 gems.

Note that when perform the 10 summon, you won’t actually end up with 10 creatures. You are almost certain to get duplicates, which are automatically consumed to increase the power of your existing creature.

How do I know if I should re-roll in Tales Of Erin?

Many gacha games these days are moving away from only 4 or 5 star creatures being viable, and that includes Tales Of Erin. Its completely possible to get through the vast majority of content even with the lowest star summons.

If you want a better starting group however, there are some summons in particular you want. An all water party is currently the best with the ongoing event for easily farming equipment, but this will change as the event shifts towards other types.

No matter what type of creature you prefer, Tiamat is one of the best all around summons. If you pulled her, stay put.

If you are specifically hoping to get one of the most powerful creatures in your first 10 summon, these are the characters to look out for:

Tiamat Mirafuse Wu Lian Mao Lorelei Lotus Moon Darchess Hera Sartha Rabis Frost Nova Grey Crow

Here’s a decent (but not amazing) first 10 summon pull that could work, or could be re-rolled if you want to spend the time:

  A decent but not amazing first 10 summon pull

Still not sure if what you’ve got is worth keeping? Take a screenshot of your first 10 summon and post it in the question megathread over at Reddit. The Tales Of Erin fanatics over there will have you sorted very quickly.